Creating remote databases

Creating a remote SQL Anywhere database

Any SQL Anywhere database can be converted for use as a remote database in a MobiLink installation. You can also create a new SQL Anywhere remote database that uses all or part of the schema of the consolidated SQL Anywhere database.

You create the database on your desktop using the Sybase Central SQL Anywhere plug-in, the Create ASA Database utility in the Database painter, or another tool. If your database uses an English character set, use the 1252 Latin1 collation sequence. If Sybase Central detects that Microsoft ActiveSync is installed on your computer, it enables a wizard page that lets you set up the database for use on Windows CE.

Creating a remote UltraLite database

You can create a remote UltraLite database by starting the UltraLite Schema Painter from the Utilities folder in the PocketBuilder Database Profile painter. After you create a USM database schema, you can start another utility in the Utilities folder that converts the schema into an UltraLite database. The Create UltraLite Database utility consists of a single dialog box that prompts you for the USM name and the name of the database you want to create.

For more information on using the UltraLite Schema Painter, see the UltraLite Database User’s Guide or the online Help. For a description of options in the Create UltraLite Database utility, see the dialog box Help.

Preparing and deploying the remote database

To use a database as a remote database for MobiLink synchronization, you need to create at least one publication and MobiLink user. For a remote SQL Anywhere database, you must also add a subscription to the publication. See “Creating and modifying publications”, “Creating MobiLink users”, and “Adding subscriptions for remote SQL Anywhere databases”.

To copy the database to the Pocket PC or emulator, select the Explore button in Microsoft ActiveSync, or use the Windows CE Remote File Viewer (cefilevw) for older emulators. For more information about copying files to a Pocket PC device or emulator, see the Installation Guide.

Remote database schemas

Tables in a remote database need not be identical to those in the consolidated database, but you can often simplify your design by using a table structure in the remote database that is a subset of the one in the consolidated database. Using this method ensures that every table in the remote database exists in the consolidated database. Corresponding tables have the same structure and foreign key relationships as those in the consolidated database.

Tables in the consolidated database frequently contain extra columns that are not synchronized. Extra columns can even aid synchronization. For example, a timestamp column can identify new or updated rows in the consolidated database. In other cases, extra columns or tables in the consolidated database might hold information that is not required at remote sites.