When you work with a SQL Anywhere table in the Database or DataWindow painter, the default behavior is to treat any column named timestamp as a SQL Anywhere Transact-SQL special timestamp column.
You can create a Transact-SQL special timestamp column in a SQL Anywhere table.
To create a Transact-SQL special timestamp column
in a SQL Anywhere table in PocketBuilder:
Give the name timestamp to any column having a timestamp datatype that you want treated as a Transact-SQL special timestamp column. Do this in one of the following ways:
In the painter – select timestamp as the column name. (For instructions, see the User’s Guide.)
In a SQL CREATE TABLE statement – follow the “CREATE TABLE example”.
Specify timestamp
the default value for the column. Do this in one of the following
In the painter – select timestamp
the default value for the column. (For instructions, see the User’s
In a SQL CREATE TABLE statement – follow the “CREATE TABLE example”.
The following CREATE TABLE statement defines a SQL Anywhere table named timesheet containing three columns: employee_ID (integer datatype), hours (decimal datatype), and timestamp (timestamp datatype and timestamp default value):
CREATE TABLE timesheet (
employee_ID INTEGER,
hours DECIMAL,
timestamp TIMESTAMP default timestamp )
If you want to change the default behavior, you can specify that PocketBuilder not treat SQL Anywhere columns named timestamp as Transact-SQL special timestamp columns.
To specify that PocketBuilder not treat
columns named timestamp as a Transact-SQL special
timestamp column:
Edit the Adaptive Server Anywhere section
of the PKODB20 initialization file to change
the value of SQLSrvrTSName from 'Yes'
to 'No'
After making changes in the initialization file, you must reconnect to the database to have them take effect. See “Adding functions to the PKODB20 initialization file”.