Now you open an object created by the Template Application wizard.
Select File>Recent Workspaces from the menu bar, then basic_tutorial from the cascading menu.
In the System Tree, expand the basic_tutorial workspace, the basic_tutorial target, and the basic_tutorial.pkl library.
In the basic_tutorial.pkl library, double-click the basic_tutorial Application object
Right-click the basic_tutorial Application object and select Edit from the pop-up menu.
The Application painter opens. It displays different views of the basic_tutorial Application object. Your view layout scheme might look different. To display the default layout, select View>Layouts>Default.
The default Application painter layout displays two stacks of tabbed panes. The left stack contains tabs for a Script view (open tab—it is set to the Open event on the Application object), an Event List view, a Function List view, and the Declare Instance Variables view. The right stack contains tabs for the Properties view and a Non-Visual Object List view.
Look at the code in the Open event in the Script view.
The PowerScript code that was generated by the wizard in the Application Object Open event calls a PowerScript function to open the main window in the application.