Start the application


In this exercise you start the application you created and take a look at its toolbar, MicroHelp, and menus.

  1. Double-click the Contacts shortcut on your desktop.

    Your application runs. Do not be surprised if it takes a minute to get everything running. The database itself has to start up so that you can access data.

    The main window of the Contacts application displays.

    Shown is the main window of the Contacts Application, with the application name Contacts at top left, followed by menu and tool bars below, and a large blank display area.
  2. Notice the toolbar.

    The Forms, Reports, and Exit buttons are automatically included. The Ad Hoc, By Job, and Data buttons are in the toolbar because you defined them when you created the application.

    Shown is the Tool bar with buttons labeled from left to right as Forms, Reports, Ad Hoc, By job, Data, and Exit.
  3. Move the pointer to one of the buttons.

    Notice the MicroHelp at the bottom of the screen.

  4. Click the Objects menu item.

    Notice that Ad Hoc, By Job, and Data are included in the Objects menu. Your application has a toolbar and a menu. You can run forms and reports from either place.

    Shown is the Menu bar with Objects highlighted and an Objects drop down menu displayed The drop down shows  the options Ad Hoc, By job, and Data.