Table 2-1 describes the parameters to the Historical Server start-up command.
Parameter |
Description |
-D homeDir |
Required. This parameter specifies the home directory for this instance of Historical Server. The account that starts Historical Server must have read, write, and search (execute) permissions on the Historical Server home directory. The default home directory is the current working directory for the account that starts Historical Server. The control file used by this instance of Historical Server resides in the home directory. The control file contains information about past recording sessions and is updated during the current run as new recording sessions are established. The directory specified by this parameter is also the default directory into which historical data files are written during a recording session. The user who creates a recording session can override this default location without affecting the definition of the control file. Multiple instances of Historical Server can share the same home directory. See “Configuring multiple instances of Historical Server” for more information.
-i interfacesFile (Upper or lower case “i” is valid after the dash.) |
Path name of the interfaces file to use. The file must contain connection information, including the correct names, for Historical Server and all Adaptive Server and Monitor Server pairs to which you want this Historical Server to connect. If you omit this parameter, the name and location of the default interfaces file is: UNIX: $SYBASE/interfaces NT: SYBASE\sql.ini (where SYBASE is the value of the SYBASE environment variable) |
-l logFile |
Path name of the log file in which information and error messages about the Historical Server are logged. The data collected includes start-up information, error messages, and possibly a record of alarms that were triggered. The default path name is hs.log in the current directory. |
-n maxConnections |
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent Open Client connections allowed to Historical Server. Valid values are 1 through 20. The default is 20. Open Client connections to Historical Server are isql connections. |
-P password |
Password of user specified with the -U parameter. A user who logs in to Historical Server must supply this username and password to be allowed to exercise Historical Server superuser privileges. See “The Historical Server superuser account” for more information Note for UNIX: If you specify the -U parameter, but do not specify this parameter, Historical Server prompts for a password during start-up. However, Historical Server must be started in foreground mode for you to receive the prompt. Make the following changes to the start-up script if you want to be prompted for a password:
-S hsName |
Name of Historical Server as it appears in the interfaces file. If omitted, the Historical Server name defaults to the value of the DSLISTEN environment variable. If DSLISTEN is not set, the name “histserver” is used. |
-U userName |
Name of Historical Server superuser. When the superuser logs in to Historical Server, that user is allowed to issue the shutdown command to terminate Historical Server, and to view or delete any data files created by Historical Server, regardless of the user who initiated the recording sessions. This user name is not required to correspond to either an Adaptive Server login account or to an operating system registration. See “The Historical Server superuser account” for more explanation. If you do not specify this parameter, any user may stop Historical Server, but no user has unrestricted access to the Historical Server data files. |
-v |
Displays Historical Server version information and exits, ignoring all other parameters. |