This book includes the following chapters:
Chapter 1, “Introduction,” provides an overview of Full-Text Search Specialty Data Store.
Chapter 2, “Understanding the Full-Text Search Engine,” describes the components of the Full-Text Search Specialty Data Store and how it works.
Chapter 3, “Configuring Adaptive Server for Full-Text Searches,” describes how to configure Adaptive Server so that Full-Text Search Specialty Data Store can perform full-text searches on the databases.
Chapter 4, “Setting Up Verity Functions,” describes the setup you need to do before issuing full-text search queries.
Chapter 5, “Writing Full-Text Search Queries,” describes the components you use to write full-text search queries.
Chapter 6, “System Administration,” provides information about system administration issues.
Chapter 7, “Performance and Tuning,” provides information about performance and tuning issues.
Chapter 8, “Verity Topics,” provides information about configuring the Verity engine.
Appendix A, “System Procedures,” describes Full-Text Search Specialty Data Store system procedures.
Appendix B, “Sample Files,” contains the text of the textsvr.cfg file, describes the sample files included with Full-Text Search Specialty Data Store, and discusses issues regarding the sample_text_main.sql script.
Appendix C, “Unicode Support,” describes how to configure Full-Text Search Specialty Data Store to use Unicode.