Removes the execution class attribute previously associated with an client application, login, or stored procedure for the specified scope.
sp_unbindexeclass object_name, object_type, scope
is the name of the application, login, or stored procedure for which to remove the association to the execution class.
identifies the type of object_name as ap, lg, or pr for application, login, or stored procedure.
is the application name or the login name for which the unbinding applies for an application or login. It is the stored procedure owner name (user name) for stored procedures.
Removes the association between “sa” login scoped to application isql and an execution class. “sa” automatically binds itself to another execution class, depending on other binding specifications, precedence, and scoping rules. If no other binding is applicable, the object binds to the default execution class, EC2:
sp_unbindexeclass 'sa', 'lg', 'isql'
The parameters must match an existing entry in the sysattributes system table.
If you specify a null value for scope, Adaptive Server unbinds the object for which the scope is null, if there is one.
A null value for scope does not indicate that unbinding should apply to all bound objects.
When unbinding a stored procedure from an execution class, you must use the name of the stored procedure owner (user name) for the scope parameter.
Stored procedures can be dropped before or after unbinding.
A user cannot be dropped from a database if the user owns a stored procedure that is bound to an execution class in that database.
Unbind objects of type PR before dropping them from the database.
Unbinding will fail if the associated engine group has no online engines and active processes are bound to the associated execution class.
Due to precedence and scoping rules, the execution class being unbound may or may not have been in effect for the object called object_name. The object automatically binds itself to another execution class, depending on other binding specifications and precedence and scoping rules. If no other binding is applicable, the object binds to the default execution class, EC2.
Only a System Administrator can execute sp_unbindexeclass.
System procedures sp_addexeclass, sp_bindexeclass, sp_dropexeclass, sp_showexeclass