Class-level translations specify the datatype translations to be performed on primary database datatypes handled by the primary Replication Server (published datatypes), based on the function-string class associated with the database connection to the replicate database.
You must run a script if the primary database is Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) and the replicate database is a non-Sybase database. You must run a second script if both the primary and replicate databases are non-Sybase. This second script creates class-level translations from the non-Sybase primary datatypes to the non-Sybase replicate datatypes.
Replication Server requires the class-level translations that translate from Sybase ASE datatypes to the non-Sybase datatypes of the replicate database to process the non-Sybase datatypes correctly in the same way it processes Sybase ASE datatypes.
Each non-Sybase database supported by HDS has class-level translations defined to support that database.
To install class-level translations, execute one or more SQL scripts in the RSSD of the replicate Replication Server.
Class-level translation installation sample scripts are provided for each database supported by HDS. Table 8-2 lists the databases supported by HDS in Replication Server version 15.0 and the class-level translation installation sample script for each database.
Databases |
Script |
Sybase ASE to Sybase ASA |
hds_clt_ase_to_asa.sql |
Sybase ASA to Sybase ASE |
hds_clt_asa_to_ase.sql |
Sybase ASA to DB2 |
hds_clt_asa_to_db2.sql |
Sybase ASA to Informix |
hds_clt_asa_to_informixsql |
Sybase ASA to Microsoft SQL Server |
hds_clt_asa_to_msss.sql |
Sybase ASA to Oracle |
hds_clt_asa_to_oracle.sql |
Sybase ASA to UDB |
hds_clt_asa_to_udb.sql |
Sybase ASE to DB2 |
hds_clt_ase_to_db2.sql |
DB2 to Sybase ASE |
hds_clt_db2_to_ase.sql |
DB2 to Informix |
hds_clt_db2_to_informix.sql |
DB2 to Microsoft SQL Server |
hds_clt_db2_to_msss.sql |
DB2 to Oracle |
hds_clt_db2_to_oracle.sql |
DB2 to UDB |
hds_clt_db2_to_udb.sql |
Sybase ASE to Informix |
hds_clt_ase_to_informix.sql |
Informix to Sybase ASA |
hds_clt_informix_to_asa.sql |
Informix to Sybase ASE |
hds_clt_informix_to_ase.sql |
Informix to DB2 |
hds_clt_informix_to_db2.sql |
Informix to Microsoft SQL Server |
hds_clt_informix_to_msss.sql |
Informix to Oracle |
hds_clt_informix_to_oracle.sql |
Informix to UDB |
hds_clt_informix_to_udb.sql |
Sybase ASE to Microsoft SQL Server |
hds_clt_ase_to_msss.sql |
Microsoft SQL Server to Sybase ASA |
hds_clt_msss_to_asa.sql |
Microsoft SQL Server to Sybase ASE |
hds_clt_msss_to_ase.sql |
Microsoft SQL Server to DB2 |
hds_clt_msss_to_db2.sql |
Microsoft SQL Server to Informix |
hds_clt_msss_to_informix.sql |
Microsoft SQL Server to Oracle |
hds_clt_msss_to_oracle.sql |
Microsoft SQL Server to UDB |
hds_clt_msss_to_udb.sql |
Sybase ASE to Oracle |
hds_clt_ase_to_oracle.sql |
Oracle to Sybase ASA |
hds_clt_oracle_to_asa.sql |
Oracle to Sybase ASE |
hds_clt_oracle_to_ase.sql |
Oracle to DB2 |
hds_clt_oracle_to_db2.sql |
Oracle to Informix |
hds_clt_oracle_to_informix.sql |
Oracle to Microsoft SQL Server |
hds_clt_oracle_to_msss.sql |
Oracle to UDB |
hds_clt_oracle_to_udb.sql |
Sybase ASE to UDB |
hds_clt_ase_to_udb.sql |
UDB to Sybase ASA |
hds_clt_udb_to_asa.sql |
UDB to Sybase ASE |
hds_clt_udb_to_ase.sql |
UDB to DB2 |
hds_clt_udb_to_db2.sql |
UDB to Informix |
hds_clt_udb_to_informix.sql |
UDB to Microsoft SQL Server |
hds_clt_udb_to_msss.sql |
UDB to Oracle |
hds_clt_udb_to_udb.sql |
Class-level translations are not supplied for
Sybase ASE datatypes to Microsoft SQL Server datatypes (or Microsoft
SQL Server datatypes to Sybase ASE datatypes) because Microsoft
SQL Server datatypes are directly compatible with Sybase ASE datatypes
and require no translation. The files hds_clt_ase_to_msss.sql and hds_clt_msss_to_ase.sql contain
only comments to that effect. For unsigned integer datatypes, column
level mapping may be required.
You must execute the appropriate scripts for your primary and replicate database types.
Installing class-level translations
Use Table 8-2, to identify the script for your replicate database, then edit the scripts to use for either the primary or replicate database by adding the following command line after the initial comments and before the first line of code in the script files, where rssd is the name of the RSSD database:
use rssd
You must perform this step for each class-level translations installation script you need to execute for the primary and replicate database types.
Log in to the RSSD data server or a machine with a network connection to the RSSD host machine, using a user ID with owner permission in the RSSD database to execute the datatype definition installation script.
isql is used as the Open Client application
to access the RSSD database in this step. You can use any Open Client
application to access the RSSD database.
Execute each installation script for each class-level translations you need to execute for the primary and replicate database types:
isql -Uuser -Ppw -Sserver -Drssd -iscript_name
user – is the user ID with owner permission in the RSSD.
pw – is the password for the user ID.
server – is the server name of the RSSD host machine.
rssd – is the database name of the RSSD.
script_name – is the name of the class-level translations installation script file that you edited.