To use a non-Sybase replicate databases, function strings must:
Replace stored procedure and certain language command invocations that the replicate Replication Server normally sends to a Sybase ASE replicate database, and
Produce operations in the non-Sybase replicate database that emulate the behavior of the Replication Server stored procedures in a Sybase ASE replicate database.
A function-string class is defined for each supported database server; the function strings required to support the replicate database reside in the function-string class for that database. In the case of a non-Sybase database, these function strings replace the default Sybase ASE function strings that would be used by the replicate Replication Server if it were replicating into a Sybase ASE database.
Execute a SQL script in the RSSD database to install the function strings that support a non-Sybase replicate database.
Installing HDS function strings in the replicate
Replication Server
Function-string installation sample scripts are provided for each database supported by HDS. The following databases and sample scripts are supported by HDS in Replication Server version 15.0:
Microsoft SQL Server
Do not install the DB2 function strings provided with Replication Server version 15.0 if you already have a DB2 database configured as a replicate database with an earlier version of Replication Server. Instead, continue using the earlier versions with Replication Server version 15.0 and its HDS feature. The 15.0 version function strings may not be compatible with earlier versions.
Execute the appropriate script for your replicate database type.
Find the function-string script you need, then edit the script for the replicate database by adding the following command line after the initial comments and before the first line of code in the script file, where rssd is the name of the RSSD database:
use rssd
Log in to the RSSD data server or a machine with a network connection to the RSSD host machine, using a user ID that has owner permission in the RSSD database to execute the function string installation script.
isql is used as the Open Client application
to access the RSSD database in this step. You can use any Open Client
application to access the RSSD database.
Execute the function-string installation script with the following:
isql -Uuser -Ppw -Sserver -Drssd -iscript_name
user – is the user ID with owner permission in the RSSD.
pw – is the password for the user ID.
server – is the server name of the RSSD host machine.
rssd – is the database name of the RSSD.
script_name – is the name of the function-string installation script file that you edited.
After you execute the script, you must shut down and restart the replicate Replication Server to refresh its function-string cache.
Log in to the replicate Replication Server with a user ID with sa permission in the Replication Server to shut down the Replication Server.
At the isql prompt, enter:
After Replication Server shuts down, restart the replicate Replication Server by invoking the Replication Server executable program: