Chapter 4: Making Required Application Changes

This chapter and Chapter 5, “Making Database Administration Changes,” divide technical issues into those relevant to application developers and those relevant to database administrators. However, many issues are not exclusive to either of these roles and Sybase recommends that you read both chapters, whatever your role. This chapter covers those issues that may affect the execution of applications or that might require coding changes.

This chapter covers only those new features and changes that may cause unexpected behavior for system administrators. There are many more changes that have occurred in Adaptive Server over the past few releases. For a comprehensive listing of changes and new features, see What’s New in Adaptive Server.

NoteTesting and changing existing applications and system administration procedures are the most time-consuming part of your migration preparation. This guide does not tell you how to make these changes. You must choose a method to do this that suits your needs and resources. For instance, you may want to develop your own plans and scripts, or you may prefer to contact Sybase for help. The Adaptive Server Migration Resources Web page at contains migration TechNotes and white papers. Sybase Technical Support can help with technical problems such as bugs and error conditions.

Begin reading at the earliest section that includes information about your current version of Adaptive Server: