If the remote server is accessed, but the login name and password are not correct, the following messages display:
Login failed
11206 Unable to connect to server server_name.
Check to see if there is an external login established for the remote server by executing:
exec sp_helpexternlogin server_name
If no external login is defined, Component Integration Services uses the user login name and password that was used to connect to Adaptive Server. For example, if the user connected to Adaptive Server using the “sa” account, Component Integration Services uses the login name “sa” when making a remote connection. Unless the remote server is another Adaptive Server, the "sa" account probably does not exist, and an external login must be added using sp_addexternlogin.
If an external login is defined, verify that the user’s login name is correct. Remote server logins are case sensitive; for example, DB2 logins are all uppercase. Is the case correct for the user login name you are using and the entry in externlogins?
If the login name is correct, the password might be incorrect. It is not possible to display the password. If the user login name is incorrect or if the password might be incorrect, drop the existing external login and redefine it by executing the commands:
exec sp_dropexternlogin server_name, login_name go exec sp_addexternlogin server_name, login_name, remote_login, remote_password go