When you are unable to access a remote object, the following error message appears:
Error 11214 Remote object object does not exist.
The problem may be in the local proxy table definition or in the table itself on the remote server.
Verify the following:
Has the object been defined in Component Integration Services?
To confirm, run:
sp_help object_name
If the object does not exist, create the object in Component Integration Services (see “Mapping Remote Objects to Local Proxy Tables” on page 3-4).
If the object has been defined in Component Integration Services, is the definition correct?
Table names can have four parts with the format server.dbname.owner.tablename. The dbname part is not valid for DB2, Oracle or InfoHUB servers.
If the object definition is incorrect, delete it using sp_dropobjectdef, and define correctly using sp_addobjectdef.
If the local object definition is correct, check the table on the remote server:
Are permissions set to allow access to both the database and table?
Has the database been marked suspect?
Is the database available?
Can you access the remote table using a native tool (for example, SQL on Rdb or SQL*Plus on Oracle)?