If the remote server is defined in the interfaces file, but no response was received from the connect request, the following messages are displayed:
Driver call to connect two endpoints failed
11206 Unable to connect to server server_name.
Check the following:
Is your environment set up correctly?
To test this, try to connect directly to the remote server using isql or a similar tool. Do this by following these steps:
Log into the machine where Component Integration Services is running.
Set the SYBASE environment variable to the same location that was used when Component Integration Services was started. Component Integration Services uses the interfaces file in the directory specified by the SYBASE environment variable, unless it is overridden in the runserver file by the -i argument.
These first two steps are important to ensure that the
test environment is the same environment that Component Integration Services was using
when you could not connect to the remote server.
Use isql or a similar tool to connect directly to the remote server.
If the environment is set up correctly and the connection fails, continue through this list. If the connection is made, there is a problem with the environment being used by Component Integration Services.
Is the remote server up and running?
Log into the machine where the remote server is located to verify the server is running. If the server is running, continue through this list. If the server is hung, restart the server and try your query again.
Is the entry for the remote server in the interfaces file correct:
Is the machine name the correct name for the machine the software is loaded on?
If the interfaces file is a text file, do the query and master lines start with a tab and not spaces?
Is the port number available? Check the services file in the /etc directory to ensure that the port number is not reserved for another process.
If the port is available, is it already in use? To determine this on UNIX, run the command:
netstat -a