When you call methods from managed assemblies in PowerScript, you must use PowerBuilder datatypes in any method arguments or return values. Table 13-3 shows the mappings between .NET, C#, and PowerBuilder datatypes.
.NET datatype |
C# datatype |
PowerBuilder datatype |
System.Boolean |
boolean |
Boolean |
System.Byte |
Byte |
Byte |
System.Sbyte |
Sbyte |
Sbyte |
System.Int16 |
short |
Int |
System.UInt16 |
ushort |
Uint |
System.Int32 |
int |
Long |
System.UInt32 |
uint |
Ulong |
System.Int64 |
long |
Longlong |
System.UInt64 |
ulong |
Unsignedlonglong |
System.Single |
float |
Real |
System.Double |
Double |
Double |
System.Decimal |
Decimal |
Decimal |
System.Char |
Char |
Char |
System.String |
String |
String |
System.DateTime |
System.Datetime |
Datetime |
For example, suppose you want to reference a method foo with arguments that require separate int and long datatype values when you call the method in C# script. The class containing this method is defined in an assembly in the following manner:
public class MyClass
public int foo(int a, long b);
return a + b
In PowerScript code, you must replace the foo method datatypes with their PowerBuilder datatype equivalents (long for int, longlong for long):
long p1, returnValue
longlong p2
#IF Defined PBWINFORM Then
MyClass instanceOfMyClass
instanceOfMyClass = create MyClass
returnValue = instanceOfMyClass.foo(p1, p2)
Unidirectional cross-language calls
Although you can call .NET methods in PowerScript, you cannot
currently call PowerBuilder functions from .NET methods. Some PowerBuilder
datatypes such as Blob, Date, and Time do not have equivalent datatypes
in the C# language. Because you cannot make calls to PowerBuilder
functions, there is no need to map these PowerBuilder datatypes
to C# datatypes.