When you use conditional blocks of code for the .NET environment, you can take advantage of the following features that are not available in the standard PowerBuilder application environment:
Support for sbyte and ulonglong Sbyte is the signed format of the byte datatype and ulonglong is the unsigned format of the longlong datatype.
Bitwise operators See “Bitwise operator support”.
Parameterized constructors Arguments are not permitted in constructors for standard PowerBuilder applications, but they are supported in conditional code blocks for the .NET environment.
Static fields and methods Static fields and methods are not permitted in standard PowerBuilder applications, but they are supported in conditional code blocks for the .NET environment.
Namespaces, interfaces, and user-defined enumerations You can reference namespaces and .NET interfaces and enumerations in conditional code blocks for the .NET environment. Namespaces are not available and you cannot declare an interface or enumeration in standard PowerScript code.
For more information on .NET enumerations, see “User-defined enumerations”.
.NET index access See “Accessing indexes for .NET classes”.