Starting the MySybStore database

  1. In the WorkSpace Navigator, expand MySybStore_Tutorials, Setup, and Database.

  2. In the WorkSpace Navigator, right-click startMySybStore.bat, and select Open With|Text Editor from the context menu.

    The batch file opens in the text editor.

  3. Edit the following lines in startMySybStore.bat to set the variable values for your installation and project name:

    set WORKSPACE_DIR=C:\Sybase\WorkSpace
    set PROJECT_DIR=C:\Documents and Setting\<username>\workspace
  4. Select File|Save from the main menu bar to save the changes.

  5. Select File|Close from the main menu bar to close the editor.

  6. To start the database, right-click startMySybStore.bat in the WorkSpace Navigator and select Open With|System Editor from the context menu.

    The Adaptive Server Anywhere, Developer Edition pop-up appears for a few seconds. The Adaptive Server Anywhere icon then displays in your system tray, indicating that the database is running.