Initializing the tutorial database

  1. Complete the steps in “Tutorial setup”.

    WorkSpace must be running, the SybStore tutorial files must be installed, the SybStore database must be running, and you must be connected to the database using the SybStore connection profile.

  2. If the Database Development perspective is open, continue to the next step.

    If the Database Development perspective is not open, select Window|Open Perspective|Database Development from the main menu bar.

  3. Execute the InitDB.sql script:

    1. In the WorkSpace Navigator, expand MySybStore_Tutorials, Setup, Database, SQL, select and right-click InitDB.sql, and select Execute SQL File from the context menu.

    2. When the Select Profile for the Editor dialog box opens, select the following values.



      Database type

      Adaptive Server Anywhere_9.x

      Connection Profile name


    3. Click OK.

    A progress window indicates that the script is executing. When the script finishes running, the SQL Results view displays in the perspective.

  4. Execute the testdata.sql script:

    1. In the WorkSpace Navigator, expand MySybStore_Tutorials. Setup, Database, SQL, select and right-click testdata.sql, then select Execute SQL File from the context menu.

    2. When the Select Profile for the Editor dialog box opens, select the following values.



      Database type

      Adaptive Server Anywhere_9.x

      Connection Profile name


    3. Click OK.

    A progress window indicates that the script is executing. When the script finishes running, the SQL Results view displays in the perspective.