Chapter 14 Working with the PowerDesigner Plugin for Eclipse

Generating Java code and Eclipse project files

You can generate the Java code for EJBs, Servlets and JSPs along with the Eclipse project files.

Steps To generate the Java code and Eclipse project files:

  1. Select Language→Generate Java Code.
  2. Select the project folder where you want to generate the files. The name of this folder will be used as the project name.
  3. Verify that Eclipse and the target application server are selected in the Targets tab.
  4. Select the packages, classes and interfaces you want to generate in the Selection tab.
  5. Set the generation options for Java, EJB and the target application server in the Options tab. To be able to deploy the application in an application server, you need to enter the server name, port number, user name and password. If you do not enter these options, you will need to modify these properties in the generated Ant build.xml file.

    You do not need to select any command task in the Tasks tab.
  6. Click OK to generate the Java code and the Eclipse project files.


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