Chapter 12 Creating Mappings

Creating Mappings from Object's Property Sheet

You can create mappings individually for a given object from its property sheet. This way of working gives you a great flexibility for customizing the mapping between objects and guarantee their correct storage in the target model.

You use the Mapping tab in the property sheet of an object to define its mappings. The Mapping tab is equivalent to the Mappings pane in the Mapping Editor.

Mapping tab toolbar

The following tools help you manage mappings for a data source in the Mapping tab of an object property sheet:

Tool Description

Create Mapping - See Mapping Editor Mappings pane.

Delete Current Mapping - See Mapping Editor Mappings pane.

Properties - See Mapping Editor Mappings pane.

Launch Mapping Editor - Launches the Mapping Editor dialog box, so that you can graphically visualize the mappings of the current object together with all the mappings defined throughout a given model.

Mapping tab sub-tabs

The Mapping tab has the following properties that you access using the Properties tool beside the Mapping list or using the different sub-tabs displayed in the lower part of the Mapping tab.

You generally map objects and further define the mapping by associating their sub-objects.

Depending on the source objects you want to map with the target model objects, the following sub-tabs are displayed:

For more information about creating a mapping from the Mapping tab, see Creating a mapping for an object.

Modify query template

The syntax of SQL queries follows a predefined template. You can customize the query syntax by modifying the SelectStatement, InsertStatement, UpdateStatement, and DeleteStatement entries in the Profile category of the object language or extended model definition.

For more information about customizing templates, see section "GTL templates", in the Customizing Generation with GTL chapter of the Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner manual.


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