Chapter 12 Creating Mappings

Object mappings property sheet Sub-Object Mappings tab

Each sub-object in the source object can be associated with a sub-object of the target object in order to specify where and how attribute values are stored in the database or model. The sub-object of the source object is displayed in the Selection dialog box in order to let you create a mapping with these inherited sub-objects. You can use the following tools to define sub-object mappings:

Tool Description

Add Mapping - Allows you to select the sub-objects in the target object that will be mapped to sub-objects in the source object. Once you have selected the sub-objects, you can use the list in the Source column to select the corresponding sub-objects in the source object.

Create from Sources - Allows you to copy sub-objects from the object in the source model to the target object. The name, code , description, annotation, and comment are copied and the data types are converted in order to match the current model.

Generate Mapping - Allows you to automatically generate a mapping between sub-objects with same name or code in the source and target models.

The Ellipsis button in the Source column opens the SQL Editor or the Object Expression Editor dialog box to let you customize the source expression for the sub-objects.


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