Chapter 12 Creating Mappings

Creating a mapping with the Create Mapping tool in the Mapping Editor toolbar

You can create a mapping using the Create Mapping tool on the Mapping Editor toolbar.

Steps To create a mapping using the Create Mapping tool from the mapping Editor toolbar:

  1. Select one or more object icons in the Source pane and select an object icon in the Target pane.
  2. Click the Create Mapping tool in the Target pane toolbar.
  3. [If one of the selected source objects is ambiguous (a folder for example)] A selection dialog opens. Select an appropriate object from the list, and then click OK.

    A visual link is drawn between the objects and a small symbol is displayed on the source and the target object icons. The mapping details display in the Mappings pane.

In the following example, a mapping is defined between the tables EUROPEAN_SALES in Model_2 and ASIAN_SALES in Model_3 and the table TOTAL_SALES in Model_1. Each table has a column called TOTAL AMOUNT. You can define column TOTAL AMOUNT in TOTAL_SALES as the sum of total amounts in EUROPEAN_SALES and ASIAN_SALES:


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