Chapter 12 Creating Mappings

Creating a mapping by dragging and dropping

You can create a mapping by dragging one or more objects from the Source pane and dropping them onto an object in the Target pane.

Steps To create a mapping using the drag and drop feature:

  1. Drag one or more objects from the Source pane and drop it onto an object in the Target pane.

    A visual link is drawn between the objects and a small symbol is displayed on the source and the target object icons. The mapping details display in the Mappings pane.

Note   Re-use of existing mappings
If a mapping is already defined for an object icon, the drag and drop feature reuse the existing mapping to complement it.

The pointer becomes a barred circle when it is over an impossible drop position.

When a source object in a multi-selection cannot be dropped in the selected place in the Target pane, the whole selection is rejected.

The result of a drag and drop depends on the objects being dragged and where you drop them:

XML specifics

As an XML element can correspond to a simple type containing only an elementary value (for example <Name>Bill</Name>), you can directly map an element to a class attribute, an element attribute or to a table column using the drag and drop feature.


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