Chapter 2 Getting Started with PowerDesigner

Activating PowerDesigner toolbars

Specific toolbars are set by default in the PowerDesigner perspective. If for some reason, they do not appear in the toolbar section, you can activate them manually.

Steps To activate the PowerDesigner toolbars and shortcuts:

  1. Select Window→Customize Perspective or right-click the toolbar section and select Customize Perspective in the contextual menu, to open the Customize Perspective dialog box.
  2. In the Shortcuts tab:

  3. In the Commands tab, select WorkSpace Modeling Diagram, WorkSpace Modeling Standard and WorkSpace Modeling View.
  4. Click OK.

    The PowerDesigner toolbars appear next to the Eclipse toolbars. These toolbars are common to all PowerDesigner modules. Module-specific toolbars will appear automatically when you open or create a model.


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