Chapter 2 Getting Started with PowerDesigner

Obtaining a mobile license

When you are using a floating license and will be out of contact with the license server, you can borrow a mobile license, which you can retain for up to 30 days.

Steps To borrow a mobile license:

  1. Select Tools→Take Mobile License.

    A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
  2. Click Yes to obtain a mobile license and click OK to confirm.

Returning a mobile license

When you no longer need the mobile license you should return it to the server to make it available to the general license pool. If you do not return it before 30 days, it is automatically recovered, and you will not be able to use PowerDesigner before recontacting the server.

Steps To return a mobile license:

  1. Select Tools→Return Mobile License.

    A confirmation dialog box is displayed.
  2. Click Yes to return the mobile license and click OK to confirm.


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