Chapter 5 Objects

Object namespaces


In PowerDesigner, each package can be a namespace. It is however possible to expand the namespace to the parent of a given package. You can cascade the expansion until you reach the level of the model itself.

Objects that appear in the Browser obey the general rules that follow:

In Browser Namespace Uniqueness rule
Objects directly under a package or a model (table, process, class) Model Unique name and code in model
  Package Unique name and code in package
Objects under parent object (column, attribute) Not applicable Unique name and code in parent
Linking objects (reference, relationship) Not applicable Unique name and code between same end objects (i.e., parallel links with same name and code are not allowed between same end objects)

However, you may encounter some exceptions to those rules. For example only the code of a reference allows to identify the object in the entire model, when the "Unique code" option is selected in the Model Options dialog box. PowerDesigner warns you when a general rule is not respected.

For more information about the management of namespace, see "Object namespace" in the Objects chapter.


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