Chapter 4 Building Business Process Diagrams

Copying and moving operations

When you copy or move operations, the following rules apply:

Copying an operation

Copy to... Description
Another model All messages (input, output and fault) associated with the operation are duplicated.
Same model Associated messages are reused.

Moving an operation

Move Location Description
Operation Another service interface in the same model All the links to the processes that use the operation are deleted. However, if you move an operation to another service provider all operation messages are duplicated.
  From the browser to a process in the diagram window The process is implemented by the operation (see Example: Using the Execute operation implementation type).
Service provider owing service interfaces and operations Another model Its service interfaces and operations are also moved. The associated message format and process using the operation are not moved with the service provider, a copy of the whole service provider remains in the initial model to preserve these links.


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