Chapter 4 Building Business Process Diagrams

Operation property sheet Faults tab

This tab is only available for Request-Response and Solicit-Response operations.

The Faults tab lists the fault links between a Request-Response or a Solicit-Response operation and a message format.

You can add or create a fault using the Add Objects and Create an Object tools.

Steps To add a fault message to an operation:

  1. Open a Request-Response or a Solicit-Response operation property sheet, and click the Faults tab.
  2. Click the Add Objects tool to open a message formats selection list, which lists the message formats defined in the model.
  3. Select one or more message formats, and click OK to close the selection list, and add them to the operation Faults tab.
  4. [optional] Select a fault in the list, and select the Properties tool to open the property sheet of the corresponding message format.
  5. Click OK to close the property sheet and return to the model.


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