Chapter 4 Building Business Process Diagrams

Importing and Exporting Service Providers from/to another model

PowerDesigner lets you define the links between the abstract definition of service interfaces and operations in the BPM and their concrete implementation, either in OOM components, or in PDM database web services.

You can import and export service providers in and from a choreography diagram with any orchestration languages.

You can use this feature to:

OOM implementation

From an OOM, you can import a component with implementation classes owning operations and create a service provider (see Importing a service provider from an OOM or a PDM). You can also export a service provider as a component in the OOM (see Exporting a service provider from a BPM).

During export/import, the following mappings are performed:

OOM object BPM object
Component (web service, EJB or any other) Service provider
Web Service implementation class, or a UML interface associated with the component Service interface
Class (or interface) operation Operation of the service interface
SOAP Input value (Input box content) Operation Input message
InputSoapMessageName extended attribute Operation Input name
SOAP Input schema text Input message format text

The OOM object is referenced in the Implementation box of the property sheet of the BPM service provider, service interface and operation.

For more information about OOM components, see the OOM User's Guide .

PDM implementation

From a PDM, you can import the WSDL URL corresponding to a database web service and create a service provider. Note that you cannot export a service provider as a database web service.

To import a database web service as a service provider, it must:

The database server must be running in order to have a WSDL URL.

During import, the following mappings are performed:

PDM object BPM object
Database web service Service provider
Web service operations Operations in a service interface

For more information about database web services, see the PDM User's Guide .


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