Chapter 4 Building Business Process Diagrams

Exporting a service provider from a BPM

The Service Provider Export Wizard is available from the Tools menu when at least one service provider is defined in the current BPM and an OOM is open in the workspace.

Steps To export a service provider from a BPM:

  1. Select Tools→Service Provider Export to open the Service Provider Export Wizard.
  2. Select a target OOM and click Next to go to the next page.
  3. Select the service providers you want to export and click Next to choose a component type. If the target OOM language supports web services, the Web Service check box is selected by default, and you can select a web service type from the list (for example AXIS RPC, JAX-RPC, etc.). Otherwise, you can select a component type (for example EJB, Servlet, etc.) from the list.
  4. Select the type of component you want to create, and click Finish to exit the wizard.

    The service providers you have selected are exported as components in the OOM and display in the Components folder in the Browser:


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