Chapter 13 Working with MobiLink

Generating remote Sybase AS Anywhere databases for all MobiLink users

If you need to deploy the remote Sybase AS Anywhere database to multiple devices, you need to create a specific Sybase AS Anywhere database for each MobiLink user. A specific Sybase AS Anywhere database should contain:

In the remote database properties, you can define the MobiLink users:

Steps To generate remote Sybase AS Anywhere databases for all MobiLink users:

  1. Generate a remote Sybase AS Anywhere database as for a single MobiLink user.
  2. Right click the remote database and select the Create ASA Databases for all MobiLink Users command.

This command creates a subdirectory and a specific Sybase AS Anywhere database for each MobiLink user.

The remote Sybase AS Anywhere database is used as the database template. If the remote Sybase AS Anywhere database is located in a different location, you can use the RemoteDatabaseFile extended attribute to indicate the file path.


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