Chapter 13 Working with MobiLink

Updating the consolidated database PDM

In order to generate or modify the consolidated database, you first need to update the PDM that represents the consolidated database.

Steps To create the consolidated database structure from articles:

  1. Right-click the consolidated database symbol in the diagram and select Update Source Database from the contextual menu.

    The PDM attached to the consolidated database will be updated to reflect the structure of the consolidated database.

    This command automatically invokes the Update Consolidated Database PDM command

Steps To update the consolidated database PDM in order to add missing objects:

  1. Right-click the consolidated database symbol in the diagram and select Update Consolidated Database PDM from the contextual menu.

    This command allows the creation of an archived PDM first then the update of the PDM.

    If you want to cancel the changes, you can open the consolidated database PDM using the Open Model command from the consolidated database contextual menu, and select Edit→Undo from the menu bar→


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