Chapter 12 Working with Replication Server

Generating a Replication Server file for a single replication process

You generate a Replication Server file from a replication process object using the Generate Scripts command from the contextual menu of the object.

All the objects that have a Preview tab in their property sheet can be generated. However, graphically the replication process and the database are the only objects from which you can select the Generate Scripts command.

Note that the Generate Scripts command, from the replication process contextual menu is only available when the replication process is related with databases via data connections.

Note   Generate Scripts command from the database contextual menu
The Generate Scripts command from the database contextual menu does not allow you to directly generate Replication Server files, but rather allow you to generate a script to prepare the replication of tables. This script is to be executed on a connected database at a later time.

Generate replication processes and databases

When you generate a replication process you also generate all objects with which it is related without distinction (ex: publications, subscriptions, data connections etc.).

When you generate a database you also generate all the scripts included in the Preview tab of its property sheet. They correspond to the objects created in the replication process property sheet. Thus, you notify to the database the objects that will be replicated.

For both objects, you cannot customize the object selection for generation. To do so, you should use the Extended Generation feature.

For more information on the Extended Generation feature to generate a Replication server file, see section Generating for Replication Server.

Steps To generate a Replication Server file for a replication process:

  1. Right-click a replication process symbol in the diagram and select Generate Scripts from the contextual menu that is displayed.

    The Generation dialog box opens to the Options tab.
  2. Type a destination directory for the generated file in the Directory box.

    The name of the generated file is equal to the replication process name.


    Click the Select a Path button to the right of the Directory box and browse to select a directory path.
  3. <optional> Select the Check Model check box if you want to verify the validity of your model before generation.
  4. Select a value for each required option.
  5. Click the Tasks tab to display the corresponding tab.
  6. Select the required task(s).
  7. Click OK to generate.

    A Progress box is displayed. The Result list displays the file that you can edit. The result is also displayed in the Generation tab of the Output window, located in the bottom part of the main window.

    The Replication Server file is generated in the destination directory.


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