Chapter 12 Working with Replication Server

Generating the RepServer definition and the Sybase ASE staging database

To generate the RepServer definition and Sybase ASE staging database, you need to generate the RepServer definition, the Sybase ASE staging database, and the Sybase IQ database.

Steps To generate the RepServer definition:

  1. Right click the RepServer process symbol and select Generate Scripts.

    The Generation dialog box is displayed.
  2. Click the Tasks tab and select the Execute generated scripts in Replication Server task. The RepServer creation script is generated and executed using ISQL.
  3. Click OK in the Generation dialog box.

Steps To generate the Sybase ASE staging database:

  1. Right click the Sybase ASE staging database symbol and select the Generate Database command in the contextual menu.

    The Database Generation dialog box is displayed.
  2. Define database generation options and click OK to start generation.

Steps To generate or modify the Sybase IQ database:

  1. Right-click the Sybase IQ database symbol and select the Generate Database or the Modify Database command in the contextual menu.

    The Database Generation or Database Modification dialog box is displayed.
  2. Define database generation/modification options and click OK to start generation.


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