Chapter 9 Data Transformations Basics

Detail the sequence of execution of a series of tasks

You may also need to define and detail the sequence of execution of a series of transformation tasks. To do so, you have to create a Transformation Control Flow Diagram.

In order to create a control flow diagram, you have to create a control flow in the Transformation Control Flows tab of the transformation process property sheet. You select the new control flow and click the Open Diagram tool in the toolbar to navigate to the corresponding diagram. The control flow acts as a container for the corresponding diagram.

In the diagram, you define the sequence of execution of a series of tasks by dragging and dropping tasks from the browser to the control flow diagram in order to create the corresponding task executions. Each task execution in the control flow diagram is an instance of a task in the data transformation diagram. Then you create the other objects of the sequence (start, synchronization, and end) linked together by control flows.

For more information about data transformation diagrams, see the "Building Transformation Control Flow Diagrams" chapter


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