Chapter 5 Using the PowerDesigner Interface

Creating an object in the Model Explorer

You can create objects in the Model Explorer. If the symbol of the new object does not appear in the diagram you may have to select Symbol→Show Symbols and select the object check box in the Show Symbols dialog box. Not all objects have symbols

Steps To create an object in the Model Explorer:

  1. Right-click the project, a model, a package or an object folder and select New→object type to create the object and open its property sheet.
  2. Type a name and a code for the object.
  3. Click OK.

    The object is displayed in the Model Explorer.

Note   Object has a symbol
You can see if an object has a symbol in the diagram by opening the object list to which it belongs and customize the display of the list so the S[ymbol] column is displayed. If the check box in the S column corresponding to the object is selected, then the object has a symbol in the diagram.

For more information about object creation and management, see the "Managing Objects" chapter.

For more information about customizing the display of a list, see the "Lists" section.


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