Chapter 6 Managing Models

Diagram properties

You can modify an object's properties from its property sheet. To open a diagram property sheet, right-click its Model Explorer entry and select Properties from the contextual menu, or right click the diagram background and select Diagram→Properties from the contextual menu. The General tab contains the following properties:

Property Description
Name Specifies the name of the item which should be clear and meaningful, and should convey the item's purpose to non-technical users
Code Specifies the technical name of the item used for generating code or scripts, which may be abbreviated, and should not generally include spaces
Comment Additional information concerning the diagram
Parent Specifies the name of the parent model or package
Stereotype Specifies a stereotype for the diagram. For example, a statechart diagram can serve to model page flows in JSF and other web frameworks.

You can use a profile to provide special processing for diagrams and other objects carrying stereotypes. For more information, see the "Managing Profiles" chapter in Advanced User Documentation .
Page scale Sets a default display for page scale. The page scale percentage lets you define a page size according to your modeling needs. If you have a lot of objects on several pages, you can reduce the page scale percentage in order for all the objects to fit on a single printable page
Default Diagram Diagram by default. This check box is automatically selected if the diagram is the first created diagram


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