Chapter 19 Working with Sybase Unwired Orchestrator

Map activity


Unwired Orchestrator concept PowerDesigner concept
Map activity Data transformation with <<Map>> stereotypes

A map always uses the InputDocuments and OutputDocuments pages in the data transformation property sheet to define the Variable Mappings for the input messages and the output messages of the map:

Unwired Orchestrator concept
PowerDesigner concept
Input documents Input Documents extended collection and its corresponding page in the data transformation property sheet
Output documents Output Documents extended collection and its corresponding page in the data transformation property sheet

Since Unwired Orchestrator stores Transformation expressions in an XML file that has a .map extension, the generation will produce a Map file and add it to the Orchestrator project.

A custom tool is available for the map.

Note   Change to Map command
You can also easily create a map activity using the Change to Map command from the contextual menu of a process object. It automatically becomes a data transformation with the <<Map>> stereotype.

Check Model feature

Maps contained in models of the previous version of PowerDesigner were defined differently. If you open one of these models in the current version, you must run the Check Model feature in order for the maps to have the proper stereotype.


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