Chapter 19 Working with Sybase Unwired Orchestrator

Introducing Sybase Unwired Orchestrator Concepts

Key concepts

The key concepts of Sybase Unwired Orchestrator are the following:

Orchestrator key concepts
Project Allows business processes to share resources: XSD schemas, WSDL files, Services, Maps, etc.
Business process Defines an executable process as a set of activities
Simple activity Defines the basic unit of work in the notation and is atomic by nature, which implies that it cannot be further decomposed. The Complex Activity defines a set of simple activities
Service Can be a messaging service, a database service or a Web service. A service is always described using WSDL
Service interaction Invocation of one operation defined by a service. It defines which XSD files are used to match the inputs and/or outputs of the operation. It is defined in an Interface file (.iface). Used within a business process, it defines a Service Interaction activity
Map Defines a data transformation using an XSLT file. Used within a business process, it defines a Map activity
Business process context Set of variables that defines a state of the process
WSDL files Defines a Web service used by the business process. It can be defined by Orchestrator design tool, imported from UDDI registries or from local disks. Each service is defined by a WSDL file
XSD schemas Defines message data types, data used by the business process, maps, rule sets and service interactions

You design an Unwired Orchestrator Business Process Model using the Sybase Unwired Orchestrator process language. A custom tool palette is automatically displayed to help you quickly create Unwired Orchestrator objects. Some tools can be unavailable if the corresponding objects cannot be created in the current context (for example a Fault can only be created within a Complex Activity, or a Break within a Loop activity).

Orchestrator tool palette

The following tools appear in the Sybase Unwired Orchestrator tool palette:

Orchestrator tools Description
Undefined Service Resource identifying an external end point, such as a database, a Web service or an application
Loop Allows you to process repeating instances in a document
Complex Activity A container for a series of activities
Delay Places the processing on a branch of the flow where the delay is located
Undefined A placeholder for an activity that can be defined later
Notification Activity that only receives messages from external applications
OneWay Activity that only sends messages to external applications
RequestReply Activity that sends a request to a Web service and receives a message
Split Splits a normal activity flow into more than one flow
Rule Set Decision points where the flow of control can take one or more alternative path
Start Used to start a process
Break Aborts processing in a loop
Fault Interrupts the normal activity flow of the Complex Activity and sends control to another activity that is connected to the fault handler
Compensate Interrupts the normal activity flow of the Complex Activity and sends control to another activity that is connected to the compensate handler
Stop (or Normal End) Used to end a process anywhere in the diagram without error
Multi-Rule Used for a list of conditions that should be evaluated in order
RuleFlow Used to create flows outgoing from a Multi-Rule decision
Single Rule Used for simple condition checking
AndJoin Point in the process where two or more parallel activities converge into a single common activity
OrJoin Point in a process where two or more alternative activities converge to a single common activity as the next step in the business process
RuleJoin Point in the process where two or more activities must respect a rule to converge into a single common activity
Failure Used to end a process with error
End Used to design the normal exit of the process (Complex Activity)
Assign Used to assign a value to a context variable
ManyToManyMap Used to transform the content of many incoming source documents into many outgoing target documents

You can also use as usual the standard PowerDesigner palette to create Sybase Unwired Orchestrator objects. The palette allows you to create standard PowerDesigner objects with stereotypes corresponding to the objects mentioned above.

For more information, see section Designing for Sybase Unwired Orchestrator.

Check model

You can check your Orchestrator model at any time using the Check Model feature that includes Unwired Orchestrator specific validation rules.

PowerDesigner also provides several different custom checks on objects used to design Orchestrator objects. Custom checks appear under the different metaclasses in the Profile category of the Sybase Unwired Orchestrator business process language in the editor.


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