Chapter 19 Working with Sybase Unwired Orchestrator
When to work with Sybase Unwired Orchestrator?
You define a BPM with the Unwired Orchestrator process language when you need to implement with Orchestrator but do not know yet exactly what you need to implement.
The scenario could be the following:
- The analyst designs a first high-level Business Process Model in PowerDesigner using the Analysis process language. This high level model should not contain any executable concept
- The developer generates the logical BPM for Unwired Orchestrator using the BPM to BPM generation, and selects Sybase Unwired Orchestrator target for the generated file
- The developer refines and optimizes the model in the BPM
- The developer generates the model for Sybase Unwired Orchestrator using the Language→Generate Sybase Unwired Orchestrator code command
- At the end of work, the developer improves his work in order for the project to be imported, implemented, deployed and executed in Sybase Unwired Orchestrator
The following illustration shows business process implementation phases:
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