Chapter 18 Working with Sybase WorkSpace Business Process

Invoking WorkSpace Services

When you change the target language of your BPM from Analysis to Sybase WorkSpace Business Process you can rapidly implement <<Undefined>> business processes by invoking different types of services supported in Sybase WorkSpace.

The Invoke commands available from the contextual menu of an <<Undefined>> process allow you to define the type of implementation of a process by creating new services or reusing services of the following types: Transformation, Java, EJB, Message and Database.

When you invoke a new service A new service provider is automatically created with the corresponding stereotype. This service provider contains a new operation that implements the <<Undefined>> process. The new operation is empty and needs to be later defined in the WorkSpace specialized editors.

When you invoke an existing service An operation selection dialog box allows you to select the existing operation for implementing the current <<Undefined>> process.

Steps To invoke a WorkSpace service:

  1. Right-click an <<Undefined>> process and select an Invoke ... command in the contextual menu.


    Open the property sheet of an <<Undefined>> process and select the <<Invoke>> stereotype and select a service provider operation.


    Select the service provider operation to invoke in the Model Explorer and drag it to an <<Undefined>> process, the <<Invoke>> stereotype is not assigned yet, you need to check the model to have automatic correction set the <<Invoke>> stereotype.


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