Chapter 18 Working with Sybase WorkSpace Business Process

Importing WorkSpace Services

The Import WorkSpace Services feature allows you to import any type of service as a service provider from a selected WorkSpace project to the current BPM. You can import business process services, database services, EJB services, Java services, message services, SOAP services, and transformation services.

This feature is only available when you are using the PowerDesigner plugin in the WorkSpace environment.

Steps To import a WorkSpace service into the current BPM:

  1. Right-click the BPM in the Model Explorer and select Import WorkSpace Services.


    Select Tools→Import WorkSpace Services.
  2. Select the project containing the services you want to import in the Import Sybase WorkSpace Services dialog box and click Finish.

    The services are imported as service providers in the model.

    Note   Merging services
    If you re-import services from the same project into the same model, a merge dialog box is displayed to let you select the services you want to update into your model. In the left pane you can see the services available in WorkSpace, in the right pane you can see services in your model. Use the right pane to carefully define the result you want to obtain into your model.

    For more information about the merge feature, see the "Comparing and Merging Models" chapter in the General Feature Guide .


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