Chapter 9 Customizing the BPM Environment

Specifying the BPM Language

A process language contains specifications for a particular language. It provides PowerDesigner with the syntax and guidelines for implementing stereotypes, scripts and constants for a process language. The availability of some objects depends on the language you choose. For example executable languages do not support data objects.

Each BPM is by default attached to a process language. When you create a new BPM, you must choose a process language. You can create a new process language or use the languages delivered with PowerDesigner.

The definition of a process language is available from its property sheet. You can select and configure parameters used when defining objects or generating from a BPM.

For more information about process languages, see the "Process Languages Reference Guide" chapter in the Advanced User Documentation .

In a BPM, you can use the List of Process languages to display the properties of process languages, and to compare, or merge process languages.

For more information about using the list of process languages, comparing or merging object languages, see the "The Resource Editor" chapter in the General Features Guide .


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