Chapter 8 Building an Executable BPM: Managing Data and Choreography

Processes (Executable BPM)

A process in an executable BPM can have the following roles:

A business process mainly uses the following activities to interact with Web services:

Activity type Description
Invoke operation Used by a business process to make invocations to Web services provided by partners. The business process sends One-Way or Request-Response operations
Receive request Used by a business process to provide services to its partners. The business process receives the invocation of Notification or Solicit-Response operations triggered by partners
Throw activity Used by a business process to cause a specific fault to occur to abort a transaction, activity or process. The business process throws a Fault event
Compensate activity Used by a business process to cancel the actions performed by an already terminated process The business process sends a Compensation event
Wait activity Used by a business process to pause the process for a specified time. The business process sends a Timer event

For more information about the different types of operations, see section Input/Output tab of the operation in chapter Building an Executable BPM: Working with Service Description Objects.

For more information about the different types of events, see section Events (Executable BPM).


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