Chapter 6 Building an Executable BPM: Working with Service Description Objects

Selecting the WSDL file to import (executable BPM)

You can launch the Import WSDL feature from the Language menu. The import WSDL feature allows you to create an abstract definition of a Web service using service description objects.

When you launch the Import WSDL feature, the Import WSDL dialog box is displayed. It allows you to select a location for the WSDL, select component or port type to import, preview the WSDL to import, and create the XML model corresponding to the imported WSDL file(s).

Item Description
WSDL URL Indicates where the WSDL should be published on the web. You can either click the Browse File tool beside this box to select the file(s) from a standard file selection dialog box, or you can click the Browse UDDI tool beside this box to search for WSDL files on a UDDI server.
For more information about browsing UDDI, see section Browsing for WSDL on UDDI (executable BPM)
Preview WSDL Allows you to preview the WSDL and the unique key used to locate the UDDI. You can select which component or port type to import using the tree view in the Selection tab. The Preview WSDL button is not available when you select several files to import
Create XML Model In the Options tab you can choose to create an XML model for each schema definition found in the WSDL file

Imported objects in the executable BPM

When importing a WSDL, the import process converts WSDL elements into service description objects and BPM objects as follows:

WSDL elements BPM objects
Message Message format
PortType Service interface
Operation Operation
WSDL File Service provider

The WSDL URL is stored in the Location box of the service provider property sheet and the message format and service interface objects are associated with it.

The data specification is stored in the Data Schema tab of the service provider property sheet.

Steps To import a WSDL in an executable BPM:

  1. Select Language→Import WSDL to display the Import WSDL dialog box.
  2. Select the WSDL file(s) that you want to import.
  3. Select the Web services and port types you want to import.
  4. <optional> Click the Options tab and select Create XML Model option if you want to automatically create an XML model for each schema of the WSDL file.
  5. Click OK to import.

    A progress box is displayed. If the model in which you are importing already contains data, the Merge Models dialog box is displayed.

    For more information about merging models, see section Merging Models, in chapter Comparing and Merging Models in the General Features Guide .
  6. Click OK.

    The imported elements are added to your model and are visible in the Browser. They are also listed in the Reverse tab of the Output window, located in the lower part of the main window. If you selected the Create XML Model option, the XML model(s) corresponding to the WSDL schema(s) also appear in the workspace.


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