Chapter 4 Building an Analysis Business Process Model

Modifying CRUD values

You can modify the CRUD values of a CRUD matrix.

The link between a process and a resource in a Resource CRUD matrix is established by a resource flow. When you modify CRUD values in a Resource CRUD matrix, you modify the CRUD values of the resource flow between the process and the resource.

The link between a process and a data in a Data CRUD matrix is defined in the Data tab of the process property sheet. When you modify CRUD values in a Data CRUD matrix, you modify the CRUD values of the data assigned to the process in the process property sheet.

CRUD values are displayed in the cells of the matrix, but are only modifiable from the Current Cell Value groupbox located at the bottom part of the CRUD Matrix dialog box.

You cannot multi-select cells to modify their CRUD values.

The following CRUD values are available in a CRUD matrix:

Steps To modify CRUD values:

  1. Open a CRUD matrix.
  2. Click the cell that corresponds to the resource flow or the process that contains the data access mode whose CRUD values you want to modify.

    The corresponding CRUD values in the Current Cell Value groupbox appear.
  3. Select or deselect check boxes according to your needs.

    The CRUD values automatically reflect the changes in the corresponding cell in the matrix.
  4. Click OK to close the matrix.

    Changes automatically appear graphically in the diagram for the resource flow when required. The Access Mode groupbox of the resource flow property sheet changes accordingly or the CRUD values in the Data tab of the process property sheet change accordingly.


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