Chapter 6 Creating J2EE Applications for BEA WebLogic
Entity Bean extended attributes
You can define the following extended attributes for entity beans.
- Free Pool: The pool element is used to specify various options for instance pooling.
- Entity Cache: The entity-cache element is used to specify various options for the caching of an entity bean.
- max-beans-in-cache (Component extended attribute)
- idle-timeout-seconds (Component extended attribute)
- read-timeout-seconds (Component extended attribute)
- concurrency-strategy (Component extended attribute)
- cache-between-transaction (Component extended attribute)
- Life Cycle: The lifecycle element is used to specify various options for the management of the lifecycle of entity beans.
- passivation-strategy (Component extended attribute)
- Persistence: The persistence element is used to specify persistence options.
- is-modified-method-name (Component extended attribute)
- delay-updates-until-end-of-tx (Component extended attribute)
- finders-load-bean (Component extended attribute)
- Persistence Use: The persistence-use tag stores an identifier of the Persistence Type to be used for this particular bean.
- type-identifier (Component extended attribute)
- type-version (Component extended attribute)
- type-storage (Component extended attribute)
- Entity Clustering: The entity-clustering element is used to specify various options for how an entity bean will be replicated in a WebLogic cluster.
- home-is-clusterable (Component extended attribute)
- home-load-algorithm (Component extended attribute)
- home-call-router-class-name (Component extended attribute)
- Invalidation Target: The invalidation-target element specifies a Read-Only entity EJB that should be invalidated when this container-managed persistence entity EJB had been modified.
- invalidation-target (Component extended attribute)
- Enable Dynamic Queries: The enable-dynamic-queries element must be present for Dynamic Queries to be enabled for the EJB. Dynamic Queries are only available for EJB 2.0 CMP beans.
- enable-dynamic-queries (Component extended attribute)
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