Chapter 6 Creating J2EE Applications for BEA WebLogic
Extended attributes available for all Enterprise Java Beans
You can define the following extended attributes for every type of Enterprise Java Bean.
- Transaction Descriptor - The transaction-descriptor specifies properties relating to transactions.
- trans-timeout-seconds (Component extended attribute)
- Reference Descriptor - The reference-descriptor specifies a list of resource-descriptions that describe the resources used in the bean.
- Resource Description - The resource-description element is used to map a resource-ref, declared in the ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor, to the JNDI name of the server resource factory it represents.
- res-ref-name (Component extended attribute)
- jndi-name (Component extended attribute)
- Resource Environment Description - The resource-env-description element is used to map a resource-env-ref, declared in the ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor, to the JNDI name of the server resource it represents.
- res-env-ref-name (Component extended attribute)
- jndi-name (Component extended attribute)
- EJB Reference Description - The ejb-reference-description is used to map the JNDI name in the WebLogic server of an EJB that is referenced by the bean in an ejb-reference.
- jndi-name (Remote Interface extended attribute)
- EJB Local Reference Description - The ejb-local-reference-description is used to map the JNDI name in the WebLogic server of an EJB that is referenced by the bean in an ejb-local-ref.
- jndi-name (Local Interface extended attribute)
- WebLogic Enterprise Bean - The weblogic-enterprise-bean element contains the deployment information for a bean that is specific to the WebLogic Server:
- enable-call-by-reference (Component extended attribute)
- run-as-identity-principal (Component extended attribute)
- jndi-name (Remote Home Interface extended attribute)
- local-jndi-name (Local Home Interface extended attribute)
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