Chapter 5 Working with Word Documents and RQMs

Creating a Word Document from an RQM

You can export an RQM (or a package containing at least one requirement) into Word format to produce a document in a more portable format.

The following procedure assumes you have an RQM open in the workspace. Word need not be open.

Steps To create a Word document from an RQM:

  1. In PowerDesigner, select Tools→Export as Word Document.
  2. [If the RQM has not been saved] The Save As dialog box will open. Select a directory and enter a file name for the model, and then click Save.
  3. Word opens with the New dialog box:
  4. In the General tab, click Blank Document or a template icon (with a .dot extension - you might want to use a template for predefined Word heading styles), and click OK.
  5. The Save As dialog box opens. Select a directory and enter a file name for the document, and then click Save.
  6. The Export Table Mapping dialog opens. You can choose to:

  7. Click OK to begin the export. The requirements are written to the document. Each requirement is placed between a [PDRQM] tag with a unique ID to indicate its start, and a [/PDRQM] tag to indicate its end:

    The RQM and the Word document are automatically linked, and the Word file is attached to the model (or the package), in the Files folder in the Browser:


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