Chapter 3 Building Structural Diagrams

Domain property sheet Detail tab

The Detail tab contains a Persistent groupbox whose purpose is to improve the generation of code and data types during generation of a CDM or a PDM from an object-oriented model. For more information on object persistence, see the "Managing object persistence during OOM to PDM generation" section, in the Generating Other Models from an OOM chapter.

The complete list of options on this tab is as follows:

Property Description
Persistent Groupbox for valid generation of CDM or PDM persistent models. Defines a model as persistent
Data Type Specifies a persistent data type used in the generation of a persistent model, either a CDM or a PDM. The persistent data type is defined from default PowerDesigner conceptual data types
Length Maximum number of characters of the persistent data type.
Precision Number of places after the decimal point, for persistent data type values that can take a decimal point.


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