Chapter 3 Building Structural Diagrams

Domain property sheet General tab

The General tab contains the following properties:

Property Description
Name Specifies the name of the item, which should be clear and meaningful, and should convey the item's purpose to non-technical users.
Code Specifies the technical name of the object, which is used for generating code or scripts.
Comment Descriptive comment for the object.
Stereotype Extends the semantics of the object beyond the core UML definition.
Data type Form of the data corresponding to the domain ; numeric, alphanumeric, Boolean, or others
Multiplicity Specification of the range of allowable number of values attributes using this domain may hold. The multiplicity of a domain is useful when working with a multiple attribute for example. The multiplicity is part of the data type and both multiplicity and data type may come from the domain. You can choose between:

  • 0..1 – zero or one
  • 0..* – zero to unlimited
  • 1..1 – exactly one
  • 1..* – one to unlimited
  • * – none to unlimited

The tables below indicates the data types for which you can specify:

Numeric data types

Conceptual data type

Integer 32-bit integer
Short Integer 16-bit integer
Long Integer 32-bit integer
Byte 256 values
Number Numbers with a fixed decimal point Fixed  
Decimal Numbers with a fixed decimal point Fixed  
Float 32-bit floating point numbers Fixed
Short Float Less than 32-bit point decimal number
Long Float 64-bit floating point numbers
Money Numbers with a fixed decimal point Fixed  
Serial Automatically incremented numbers Fixed
Boolean Two opposing values (true/false; yes/no; 1/0)

Character data types

Conceptual data type Content Length
Characters Character strings Fixed
Variable Characters Character strings Maximum
Long Characters Character strings Maximum
Long Var Characters Character strings Maximum
Text Character strings Maximum
Multibyte Multibyte character strings Fixed
Variable Multibyte Multibyte character strings Maximum

Time data types

Conceptual data type Content
Date Day, month, year
Time Hour, minute, and second
Date & Time Date and time
Timestamp System date and time

Other data types

Conceptual data type Content Length
Binary Binary strings Maximum
Long Binary Binary strings Maximum
Bitmap Images in bitmap format (BMP) Maximum
Image Images Maximum
OLE OLE links Maximum
Other User-defined data type
Undefined Not yet defined data type


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